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『LOST IN CHINA』/ さいとうよしみ "LOST IN CHINA" / Yoshimi Saito

1,400 JPY

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作家が中国を旅した際に出会った、民族衣装に身を包んだ少数民族・ミャオ族の人々に焦点を当てた写真作品集。ブックデザインも作家自ら手がけています。 "LOST IN CHINA" Yoshimi Saito Softcover Release Date : Apr.2019 ================== さいとうよしみ / Yoshimi Saito 東京を拠点に、絵、イラスト、陶芸、アニメーションなどを制作。セツ・モードセミナー卒業。 Yoshimi Saito, Tokyo based artist of illustration, drawing, animation, pottery. http://yoshimisaito.tumblr.com/ https://www.instagram.com/yosomisight/ ================== ★★★Attention for customers out of Japan★★★ PLEASE check information in "About other shipping cost" field BEFORE buying items. If there isn't your Country for shipping on the list, PLEASE notice us about it by message via the "Ask about this item" field BEFORE buying items. Without this process, you might pay higher shipping cost than real price.

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