2021年に出版された川谷光平の写真集「Tofu-Knife」の再販。本書はKassel Dummy Award 2020(ドイツ)にてFirst Prize(最優秀賞)を日本人で初めて受賞し、2021年9月にアワードサポーターのMASAより出版された。
Kassel Dummy Awardには毎年世界各国から400冊近くの応募があり、数あるダミーブックアワードの中でも、草分け的存在とされている。
本書と同名の作品シリーズ"Tofu-Knife"からセレクトされた10点は、Japan Photo Award 2019に於いてCharlotte Cotton賞を受賞しており、その受賞作品も本書に収録されている。
104 pages
156 x 230 mm
Second edition of 500 copies
2021 / 2024
This book got First Prize in KASSEL DUMMY AWARD 2020, and was published by award sponsor MASA in 2021.
Designed by @kasetoru
Tofu-Knife by Kohei Kawatani is a brilliant exploration of the complex relationship between the artistic and commercial in contemporary photography. In its form and design, the photobook mimics both a scientific database – all photographs are clearly listed in the index and catalogued by numbers – and a customer magazine – the photographs are clean and polished, printed on a thin, glossy paper usually used in the advertising context. The depicted objects and environments are above all visually pleasing – lush vegetation, subtle textures, neat interiors, and alluring objects whose only decipherable function is the aesthetic one. Deliberate decontextualization reduces the images to ready-made objects, as well as foregrounding them the fluidity of their meaning, susceptibility to various creative interpretations. Even though Kawatani’s visual expression is decisive and sharp like a (tofu) knife, his photographs are only seemingly impersonal – his unexpected framing, attention to detail, and suggestive use of color hint not only at subjectivity but a certain delicacy, tenderness, and softness (similar, in a way, to tofu itself)
Barbara Gregov, Organ Vida Festival, Zagreb.
★★★Attention for customers out of Japan★★★
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